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Ireland trip
One of the best things in life is travel. Visiting new places, towns, meeting new people, trying out local specialities and my...

Dormeo TV ad
No fear, your friendly neighbourhood Dormeo delivery guy is here ;)

Žarometi media awards 2016
What a fun night at Žarometi media awards 2016! Thanks Media 24 for the invite. Dressed in clothes... Hairstyling by me... Teeth brushed...

Phi Lings corporate shoot in Belgrade
2 day shoot in beautiful Belgrade, Serbia for Phi Lings with awesome team from DFFRNT Creative Studio. Really great team!

Tony Montana music video
Music video for MANCHE & RALE & DINNA - TONY MONTANA is out. Really fun project to be part of. Directed by fantastic director Perica Rai....

Fantasy and sci-fi fans convention NMN 2016
I had a great time as a guest speaker at NMN 2016 convention of sci-fi and fantasy fans in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Hopefully see you there...

Bohem music video
Really cool new song by rock band Bohem is out. Check out the music video below. Andrei Lenart got to star in it along with talented Nina...

Radio 2 interview
Here is a short interview with Andrei Lenart about him and his work that aired on Radio 2. Click here to listen to the interview...

Special guest at GD Rudarjev Idrija Concert
Thanks to Godbeno društvo rudarjev Idrija and their conductor Domen Prezelj for inviting me to their concert. It was a wonderful evening,...

Presenter at concert
For the second year in a row I got to present the concert of children's choirs from Ljubljana elementary schools. 3 wonderful evenings,...
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