Andrei Lenart in Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...
You can see Andrei Lenart as resistance soldier in the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
''It is a really small role, blink and you miss me, but I am incredibly excited to be part of such an iconic film franchise as Star Wars. I shed a couple of tears when I saw it last night.
4 years ago, as a tourist in Tunisia, I visited the location where Episode I was filmed. I remember having a thought about how awesome it would be, if once in my life I could be part of film production as massive and iconic as Star Wars. Just holding some cables, or picking up litter... I have never dreamed that 4 years later I will get to be part of Star Wars universe on screen!
The filminng was such a surreal experience. You know that feeling when R2D2 passes by, when you hug Chewbacca, C-3PO exchanges some words with you, you're on set with Han Solo, have a little peak inside Millenium Falcon, or JJ Abrams gives you a high five... So many moments that I still hardly believe were real.''
Andrei Lenart