V imenu resnice on TV Slovenija and Planet TV

The story of Blaž Furjan and his family have featured on TV Slovenija in Tednik TV show and on Planet TV in Dan TV show.
V imenu resnice is a documentary film directed by Dejan Babosek. Andrei Lenart plays Blaž Furjan, alongside Valentina Plaskan as Blaž's sister Barbara Furjan. Film tells the real story of Slovenian soldier Blaž Furjan who died while on compulsory army service. In the official story he committed suicide, but the facts that eyewitnesses give don't add up and many physical evidences suggest the contrary as well. Blaž's sister, Barbara, has been on the search for truth about what really happened that night for 20 years.
''I am grateful to Barbara for the trust and opportunity to be able to contribute a little piece to her 20 years long search for truth.'' - Andrei Lenart
Tednik, 27/11/2017
Planet TV, 29/11/2017